Friday, February 1, 2013


 One of our students, Christine Sandoval, wrote the following about her experiences in the Mercedes-Benz museum in Stuttgart:

"On Friday, January 18, 2013, we took an awesome excursion to the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart, Germany.  We learned how the company started, the story behind the name, the innovations, and technology that this company uses. 

            When you walk through the door of the Mercedes Benz Museum the first thing that draws your attention is this brand new beautiful candy apple red sports car Mercedes.  That’s what gets you excited about the rest of the tour to come.  Once we met our tour guide he handed us our equipment and then we proceeded to the highest floor of the building which is where the journey begins.  Once you’re on the top that is the beginning of the over 125 years of history.  It is there that we learn about the two inventors who used two different approaches to create the first automobile, Gottlieb Daimler and Carl Benz.  Gottlieb Daimler was not only responsible for inventing the automobile but also for the inventiveness of travel by air, sea, and rail.  His work can be seen on that top floor of the museum.  Carl Benz was also responsible for inventing the first automobile; his approach was more inspired by the fact that the automobile could run more like a locomotive.  Then in 1886 when he completed his work he applied for a patent of this individual design, The Benz Patent Motor Car. 

            Once you spiral down to the next couple of floors you are able to chronologically see the collection of vehicles that have been created since the beginning.  Those vehicles include: passenger cars, racing vehicles, and commercial vehicles.  We viewed the safety concepts and innovations that were then used on the vehicles, as well as the upgrades to the engines of the automobiles.  After that portion it was then that our tour guide told us the story of how they came up with the name of Mercedes.  In April of 1900 a man by the name of Emil Jellinek, had the largest dealer of Daimler or DMG vehicles.  Jellinek raced cars and his pseudonym name was Mercedes, it was also the name of his daughter.  Once Daimler reached an agreement with Emil Jellinek, Mercedes is now known as the brand name of all of the Daimler passenger cars.

            As you continue to spiral down you see all of the rare and first commercial vehicles they have created.  One that stood out the most was the vehicle that was used to drive the pope around, there was a car that belonged to a royal family and where it would normally have the Mercedes-Benz logo, is was a logo of their family crest.  One of the last stops on the tour is where you can view the “Silver Arrows – Races and Records” that’s where they have all of the racing vehicles as well as uniforms that were created for the drivers and then there is the big display of trophies that have been won over the years. 

            My favorite part once the tour was over was the visit to the gift shop!  It was there that I bought a couple of things to take back home to the family.  The store had an abundant supply of books that all had to do with Mercedes-Benz, there were plenty of replica scale cars as well as toy cars, apparel for both men, women, and children, and there was also your typical gift shop items like pens, postcards, and posters."

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